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National Geographic 

Nov 2012

Moringa and Cancer
Dicovery Channel 


Moringa for Diabetics?
Moringa Impact Magazine

JAN 2013

Moringa - The vision improver  
National Geographic Moringa


By far the best!

Moringa Nativa by far the best moringa i have purchased.  The only Moringa that i really feel when i take it.  It doesn't give me a stomach ache nor i get a bad taste all day in my mouth like othe moringa in the market.  I tried the moringa extract and that was even worse.  I will not purchase any other moringa!

-Kathia Morales

Carolina, Puerto Rico

Amazing results...

​Yo tomaba sobre 8 pastillas para la presión y la azúcar.  Comenze a tomar Moringa Nativa y como al mes me comenze a sentir rara .  Visite al medico.  Se me hicieron unos analysis y la Dra. asombrada me questionó que estaba haciendo portque mi azucar y preción habian bajado drasticamente.  Me quitaron todas las pastillas porque todo lo tenia normal.  Gracias Moringa Nativa en verdad hicistes una diferencia en mi vida.  Se la recomiendo a  todos los diabeticos y personas con presion alta.  Esto si funciona!!-

Maria Aleman

Trujillo Alto,  Puerto Rico

I couldn't be more pleased

​Im a lactating Mother and i purchased Moringa Nativa because i was told it would increase my milk production.  I had tried many other products but i really did not se a difference.  After taking Moringa Nativa for about 7 days a did see a significant increase in my milk production. My baby and i are absolutely happy with this!!  I encourage all lactating mothers to use Moringa I guarantee you it will increase your milk production and you will also get a great stamina.  A great extra that i did not get from all the other products I tried.

-Carmen Trinidad

Bayamon, Puerto Rico

​Moringa Breastfeeding Mothers

Moringa and Athletes

Athletes and Sportsmen are considered to be the elite crowd of people, who always strive to stay fit and outperform competition. Constant Practice is the only know secret for their success. But the unknown secret behind their success is proper nutrition

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